Monday, March 1, 2010

Week 7 Technology in Classrooms

Educators should moderately attempt to incorporate the technology their students use. Students can benefit tremendously from having access to multiple sources of technology. the key question is what technology will your school district support? Sometimes, teachers have wonderful innovative ideas for their classrooms without the resources to implement them.

I think online chats and instant messaging can be a great asset to the classroom as long as the teacher closely monitors the student's interactions. With close monitoring distractions should be kept to a minimal.

Asynchronous text based communication can be a useful tool for students who have trouble interacting or communicating with others. This form of communication will allow them to express themselves in ways that synchronous communication does not.

I think that using podcasts with students can help reinforce the curriculum they are learning. It gives the students a new way to be creative using the knowledge they have gained. It also gives them experiences they may not have had otherwise.

I believe video games do help develop your studying. For students with learning disabilities, video games may help them learn to focus, hand-eye coordination, and patience. I found the article very interesting. The article voiced many of the concerns parents, teachers, and others have regarding video games. I have four children. Out of the four, one plays games daily. I have witnessed the positive effect video games have had for my child.