Tuesday, February 16, 2010

According to Humanmetrics my personality type is ISFJ (Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging). The article "The Nurturer" described a lot of my characteristics. There was one characteristic the article listed that I definitely do not agree with. The characteristic of being a great gift giver and decorator. I definitely do not have those characteristics.

I do believe that learning styles are connected to personality types. Yet, I think learning styles are affected by more than someones personality type. Learning disabilities play a huge part in learning styles. Each student is different. Your approach to helping your students to achieve their full potential depends on you learning what each of your students needs are. You can accomplish this through using tools such as the Humanmetrics Personality Types, reading the student's files, talking to other teachers (make sure you keep an open mind when gathering this information), and diagnostic tests. I believe that when all of these strategies are applied you will be able to know your students better.

I think Humanmetrics can help you to start forming ideas about your students characteristics which will enable you to better understand the reasons behind the students behaviors.

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